もはや鉄壁の布陣となった同一メンバー4連続でのスタジオ・アルバム。Frontiers Music Srl 移籍後第2弾。
日本盤は、MARQUEE INC. / AVALON LABELより2020年10月7日発売。
ボーナストラックは、アコースティックバージョンの”Land Of Sorrow”を収録。
We literally poured our flesh and blood into the creation of our tenth album. We truly believe music is immortal, therefore we want every note we compose to be infused with meaning and purpose.
We need to be the first supporters of our music before we ask anyone else to believe in what we do. It doesn’t matter if it’ll take three, four years or more to a new release because, in spite of what big streaming companies’ CEOs might say, quality is what matter to us and, we believe, to our truer fans.私たちは10枚目のアルバムの制作に、文字通り肉と血(Flesh And Blood)を注ぎました。音楽は不滅のものだと信じているから、私たちが紡いだすべての音に意味と目的が込められていることを望んでいます。
The record talks about a life path that, not surprisingly, begins with a birth.
Metaphorically this birth is also the beginning of a search, not necessarily conscious, of a purpose. The almost obsessive need to find answers leads the protagonist to make choices. Sometimes indispensable, sometimes forced, sometimes suffered. He never has the perception or the consciousness that he has “arrived” and, even where he could perceive a semblance of catharsis (in love, work or spiritual), however, he never managed to detach himself from that yearning need to fill a void.
If the choice is considered a crossroad on a road, therefore a separation, in a theatrical vision it is intrinsically tragic (see title track). The path is studded with doubts and indecisions. You don’t know if the choice is right if you don’t know the alternative. It could be right if it led to tranquility, a sort of inner peace but this, the protagonist does not know. He can only try to imagine, in a hypothetical final balance, that he has at least tried it.
The alternative would have been not to seek that much-needed answer and, in a sense, not to have lived in absolute terms.
Among the thousands of doubts and second thoughts that the choices made have brought, a question echoes in the soul of the protagonist: What if the answer to everything was the path itself?
An unanswered question is therefore the starting point for a new search… another beginning.
Hence the “circular” conclusion of the journey.

1. Flesh And Blood
2. Surrender
3. Fate
4. Hope
5. Tragic Separation
6. Stranded
7. Land Of Sorrow
8. Silence
9. Turn Back Time
10. Curtain
11. Land Of Sorrow (Orchestral Version) *
マーク・バジル(Mark Basile) – Vocals
シモーネ・ムラローニ(Simone Mularoni) – Guitars
エマニュエル・カサーリ(Emanuele Casali) – Keyboards
アンドレア・アルカンジェリ(Andrea Arcangeli) – Bass
ファビオ・コスタンティーノ(Fabio Costantino) – Drums
フェデリコ・メコッツィ(Federico Mecozzi) – Violin on “Tragic Separation”
クラウディオ・ピートロニク(Claudio Pietronik / ANCIENT BARDS) – Guitars on “Flesh And Blood”